Portland Juggler's Weekly Gathering
Wanna Play?
Reed College Jam:
Join our mailing list at https://heylo.group/portlandjugglers to stay informed of weekly juggling at Reed College's Sports Center! The Heylo app is not required; you can use their website and your email. Up-to-date information about juggling at Reed College and other events will be announced to the mailing list.
We meet on Wednesdays from 7 - 9 PM at the Reed College Sports Center. Please see the events on our Heylo group (see above) for instructions.
Due to the brand new gym floors the college has requested:
No outdoor/street shoes in the gym. Attendees may wear indoor shoes, slippers, socks, or be barefoot. Please bring clean shoes if you don't want to wear socks or be barefoot.
All club screws must be covered. The Portland Jugglers will provide felt covers for attendees.
Gatherings are open to the public and are free. All kinds of juggling, object manipulation, and circus skills are embraced. We are famously playful and generous with the sharing of our juggling knowledge.
The Portland Jugglers is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to increasing the appreciation and enjoyment of juggling and its affiliated arts.
We used to meet on Wednesdays from 7-9 at the Reed College Sports Center for decades. Reed College began offering juggling as a PE class in 1979, and it was open to the public who frequently brought new skills to the college class. The public component grew into the Portland Jugglers, and we traditionally meet weekly concurrent with the college class. Additionally, we hosted the Portland Juggling Festival at Reed nearly every year of the festival's existence. However, in the winter of 2020, the Sports Center collapsed during an ice storm. We are grateful to Reed College for helping foster Portland's vibrant juggling community and look forward to the rebirthing of Reed's Gym space in the Autumn of 2024.